Friday, August 26, 2011

Handel//Handle//Handl On the H-Rack

Must be a sudden "T.O." allergy that has my left eye watering like "crazy." "NATE" has an orange Mohawk and piercings. Why not bother him, instead of your next president? Man, are you idiots ever in deep doo-doo.

"Cancel takeoff clearance! Frontier 612!

- Can't get the frequency; SFO has "disappeared," kinda like that little plane out of San Diego, and the guy with the camera just happened to be there? O'Hare, too? The docudrama was done with one of my clones flying the damn DC-10? I was at work, right Gayle? 1980 baby! So in jail, they are! Cosmic? Sure, mentally ill son of a rich bitch, I'm a "remote viewer." I'm a "time traveler." No, but I was there: "Tick-tock. Big noise. We all could not find the plane. Tick-tock. I don't think this is good. I think--aw, shit!--the little plane hit my plane. Let's see. Tick-tock. No way. Won't work. Tick-tock. Bad. This is real bad. Try this. Tick tock. Try that. Tick-tock. Think about somebody you like/love, and say, "Brace yourselves."

FBI? All gone
CIA? All gone.
DEA? All gone.
NSA? Dark. How long?
PENTAGON? Dark. How long?
FAA? Ass kicking.
NTSB? May I kill them all, Mr. Chief Justice? No?
FDA? Beat senseless.
EDUCATION DEPT. Reformed, Mr./Mrs. Kook Christian.
EPA? Not gone. Bigger. Better. Putting LLC Nazis in jail.
NASA? "This is the president. Lock the doors."
JPL? "We're going to another sustainable planet before I die. Get to work!" [Sound familiar ass.assins? I have no control over crpd bad attitudes. None whatsoever. Did he come around when I was going to possibly knock you-know-who on her ass? Is that a crime? No. Not with May in the 02/09 Westlake church! By the coffee pot? Too cool!]

"Don't "they" hear me yell when I risked my life by getting in Mr. Bruce's face and shouting, "Roswell is a tourist trap! The whole f___ing mess is to make money!" And, that other man I will never see again until he's a face in the crowd, and I give my super-secret "What the f___ is he doing here?" sign. You robo-harpies & robo-creature/spies know all about it, due to "Total Physiological Monitoring" and the National Socialist "TOTAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM."

W: "That son of a bitch Obama. Who's gonna get in there next?"
B: "You are."
And, ladies and gentlemen, around the WEST corner of the building they go, and where they are headed, I do not know.
Oh, "we" are "BRAIN-JACKED//LOCKED-DOWN," and like it? i.e. "I am voting for the president next year. He's doing a fine job."

Ready? It's "EU Style"
BIG BILLBOARDS: JOE'S FACE/HOWARD'S FACE. It only says, "Ambassador" & "Aviator," plus the inevitable damn website address.
It only says, "Slimed," & "Fired," plus "Questions?" Did I mention the damn website's FAQ's?
It only says, "Trust us. We know what we're doing."
What's that line from a Redford movie I rally liked long ago? "Now what do we do?"Don't be frightened of the EBS tone. It will only be a test (maybe). 

Let's talk trash, shall "we?" Let's talk about mental illness without knowing the first damn thing. Let's read Hughes' mind under the "Cuckoo Dish" and talk about Tripoli, where evil A-rabs shoot people in the head. What is my bunkmate's nickname? "Tripod." No, sailor, I did not say "Tricare," but the old spookies are trying to brief me on it, if ca robo-kook spies would get out of my perceptual field.

I said, "It's not for a camera, is it?" He shut up. [Do Newt & Mitt have to put up with this s---?] I won't be silenced, except by the usual Lincoln/McKinley/Kennedy crap. Running for president as a telepath? Not yet, Germantown Road. Then, as we hinted long ago, I basically asked, "Where's your firearm(s)? In the stolen [cops won't help--not without$$$] car. LA & VC County, California? A Midwesterner would not believe it, and neither do I. Are you running for president, sir? Answer the question, before I (don't) call 911!

Scared? I went to sleep near this dude in the safest possible well-disclosed California location. Reagan said it, not me: "I'm paying for this microphone!" and now, it is a case of,  "I'm paying for this park!"

Back to KGO Bill, the lady who dropped her baby off off a 4th floor of a parking garage, if the story is true, has significance because:

1). She was/is Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI), and Ronald Reagan closed-down your mental health system (1st or 2nd term--I'm from Missouri, pal, and I don't play "games").
2). She was in the hospital for mental health issues--or not, doesn't matter--and they missed it, "it" being her psychosis.
3). Let's get all "California Spy-crazy" and allege there was nothing wrong? I'm "nuts?" Give it a rest! [Secret Service is already coming to GSAC; 911 is for "imminent danger" when you are me, but you "people" call for a cat in the tree, or a homeless man's "B.O.," which I try, against great odds, to not have. {Did she say, "Wash the clothes?" Have I mentioned I'm William V, Chief of State of the U.K. lately? (I JUST DID, JACKASS/STUPID BITCH).
4). THEY MISSED THE OBVIOUS NEED FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, because she was reportedly disturbed by the child's birth defect, which is why he was wearing a helmet. Got a cig
6). Fire-up the usual chorus! "Hughes is crazy!" No, but I'd like to hear about some efficacious treatment for the baby-tosser, not more about Mumar's sons. Who cares about that crap? BP-BP-&BP. Who am I? Who runs BRITISH PETROLEUM? They'd better pick an island vacation spot not under USA or UK. Remember the woman who was vilified in Texas for being schizophrenic, Bible-Thumper hubby drove her to drown the kids, and she was the "problem?" I nearly went "postal" over that one, and I was not homeless and about to blow. SSI nutcases, I am not talking California "unisexual," which I hereby allege includes sex with wandering coyotes.
7). Leave it to the "other Bill" to blame their legal/illegal status, decry the "Brown Hoard," its deleterious effects on ORANGE County--EBS Tone ready?--and effectively hate his way into another sale on a 30 second spot.

Does it surprise them to know some people named FORD, HEINZ, BUSCH, COORS, WALTON and HILTON might like me? To again quote Kenny Ken-Ken, "They don't get it."

see 'ya.

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