Monday, August 15, 2011

William's "To Do List"

Where is the President today? Minnesota? Don't fly over Minneapolis and miss the airport. On your laptops, eh? I was told a long time ago, "The plane flies itself." You see, "They tell me things," and no, I do not know who "they" are. They like it like that.

- Put some of #9 on Yahoo [done, as of 12:52 p.m. pdt]
- What is "anonymous?" Fullerton, CA; what happened?
- Mortgage refinancing/Columbia Business School/Who?
- Sugarland/Stage Collapse/More
- P-D Comment
- HSA did not know case#/Why?
- Post Social Security Number on Internet/Threaten Lawfully

Roasting corndogs on the front page of the Post Dispatch? "Ryan" ought to come meet my "Ryan." I don't know what his purpose in life is. Nevertheless, I like him, and I do not ask many questions, unlike illegal "Homeland" spies. In fact, all MO & IL "friends" should come meet my CA acquaintances. They might kill your ass. They might not. Whatever should occur, do not say I direct or control them. Then* I will kill you, because I am tired of being tortured in a "Tessla Park" I am paying for (in part; the "funding stream" is very complicated, and Andrea 2.0 explained it to me thoroughly). As for U.S. Navy assassin girls with humongous switchblade knives, I'll save that for my book manuscript somebody is paying for--soon.

*Now, to the D.O.J. "heads up": Exactly who changed the copy above to read "They will kill you..." when it now correctly reads "Then I will kill you..."? Is the AC power out yet? Could you believe that show last Friday? "They" said, "The lights are on out there." I said, "Those are the emergency lights, ma'am." Then, they said, "This is Time Warner's fault." I said, "No ma'am, the power is out. It has nothing to do with Time Warner." GET THE FACTS! I went to the Reception Area desk, ate some plain M&M's, and asked Mike about it. He said, "Well, if it does not go back on, we'll have to go home." Joe Gibson looked "Brain-Jacked." Andrea 2.0 was waving her little flashlight around, whatever that meant. ZOOOOOM. "Hey, it's back on," I calmly said. "They" hid in the TV Room, and came running. I think they've run that play before. Maybe many times. What I want to know is why I: a). Helped some lady with her Yahoo e-mail attachment; b). Hit "SEND" and ZAP>>>the power went out, counselor.

Let us review:
N{     } [Redacted by our/your NSA, on lithium batteries only]


Key rattler? "Knock that fucker down, and remove him from my sight!" (and, i'll help!)

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